Gramercy Park is lovely in the full bloom of spring, but what goes on around the park isn't always so pretty.
For those with keys to its iron gates, Manhattan's only private park is very much a small town, complete with bitter squabbles and decades-long grudges. The neighbors have gathered into two main camps of combatants.
In the official corner are the park's five trustees. Elected to lifetime terms by the owners of lots along the park, they interpret and enforce the 1831 deed created by developer Samuel B. Ruggles. Although James M. Clark Jr. is the trust's chairman, its most visible member is Arlene Harrison, who in 1994 founded the Gramercy Park Block Association, a nonprofit community group.
Leading the opposition is O. Aldon James, president of the National Arts Club, at 15 Gramercy Park. Mr. James, who lives in one of the club's 48 residential units, has objected—sometimes with legal action—to many of the trustees' moves over the years. His most recent frustrations: The park was double-locked for five days in April, preventing even key holders from entering; and on May 5, Mr. Clark reprimanded him for bringing 20 architecture and art history graduate students from Columbia University into the park.
Park rules stipulate that the maximum number of guests is six (for events not organized by the trust), of which Mr. James was reminded in a letter signed by Mr. Clark—accompanied by a photograph of the tour group in the park.
"It's Big Brother stuff," Mr. James exclaimed.
"I just reminded him that he was breaking the rules," Mr. Clark said.
Mr. James acknowledges that the rules exist, but he wants them loosened to encourage greater use and enjoyment of the shared space. (He does not, however, argue that the park should be made public.)
One former resident, who lived on the park for five years, describes the scene inside the gates: "Unfortunately, the park itself is not that functional for younger residents. I spent little time there, which is a shame considering it is a beautiful place with lots of history, as well as interesting art. You are not able to walk or relax on the grass, and the benches are definitely not intended for socializing."
Mr. James's ire is directed squarely at Ms. Harrison, though she considers this a one-sided fight. "This is a peaceful community," she said. "It's not the least bit of a war."
In addition to her official capacities, Ms. Harrison is a self-appointed warden. She walks the park every morning at 6:30 a.m., making notes on the conditions inside. She circles around to the doormen of park buildings—then circles back in case there is any news that needs to be shared. She returns to the park interior again later. "I come in from 3 to 5:30 to be with the children and the nannies. I talk to them," she said. "I work seven days a week."
She regularly e-mails news and photographs—of anything from gardeners at work to children at Easter—to about 700 residents on the park. She is also now leading the charge against a proposed bar at 38 Gramercy Park. "I am devoted to this neighborhood. Every inch of it," she said.
But in Mr. James's view, Ms. Harrison's devotion doesn't necessarily confers legitimacy: "She does not speak for the trust. James Clark is the chairman."
According to Mr. Clark, the tensions are, at least partially, left over from another era of leadership. In 2001, Mr. James sued the trust and its chairwoman at the time, Sharen Benenson, claiming she prevented him from escorting a group of minority schoolchildren into the park. "The current trustees were not the trustees when the National Arts Club president brought the lawsuit," Mr. Clark said. "But because of the lawsuit and what it has cost to settle that, there is some animosity."
The suit was settled out of court in September 2003 and the terms were sealed.
It was not the first such tussle. In 1994, Mr. James and others objected to the removal of 10 trees (he still refers to it as "arboricide"), and accusations of pigeon poisoning followed, in 1998.
During the recent lockouts, Mr. James chose physical, rather than legal, action. On April 29, he scaled the tall, iron fence with two ladders—just as he did on April 13, when he was confronted with signs reading: "For your safety, the park is closed today."
Ms. Harrison confirms that the park was closed five times—for a routine spring cleanup and for tree management. "We had 12 crab apple trees that were in various stages of decay and dying. It was in danger of spreading to other trees," she said, adding that the tree experts tried "various techniques" that necessitated closing the park, lest children should be put in danger.
Mr. James said he wasn't informed that the park would be closed. Ms. Harrison says that's because he has not asked to be on the e-mail list. Mr. James confirms he is not on the list—as a matter of representation.
"To get her e-mails, you have to belong to the Gramercy Park Block Association," he said. "We are members of the Gramercy Neighborhood Associates."
The GNA, which Ms. Harrison was a part of before splitting off to start her own group, includes residents on the park and in the surrounding neighborhood. GNA's president, Alan Krevis, declined to comment on the differences between his group and Ms. Harrison's. He did, however, praise one of his constituents: "Aldon James has been very generous to our organization."
Ms. Harrison says she started her group—it has 1,600 members on the park and beyond, she says—to reach out to new residents and young families. The difference between the two groups, she says, is based on the breadth of activities: "They are into historic preservation. We work on safety, security and quality-of-life issues."
Thomas F. Pike, a trustee for three years and a resident of the area for 40, defends Ms. Harrison's work for the neighborhood, which he says has the tensions of any family—one with "discretionary money and discretionary time."
"Arlene can walk into the park and name every child in there. She's like a grandmother to everyone," said Mr. Pike. "She's vigilant in protecting the park. She's also a civic activist—and because she's an activist, she can be gristly."
Elected in 2003, Ms. Harrison says the trustees emphasize communication because previous leaders did not. "There was never communication. Nothing that I can remember," she said.
When elected, she and Mr. Clark started sending annual reports to all residents. After the 2001 lawsuit was settled, the trustees drafted formal rules for the park and had them approved by lot owners. The rules—which are posted—are also sent annually. They include: No standing or sitting on the grass. No alcohol. No pets. No Frisbees, soccer balls, footballs or baseballs. No musical, theatrical or other entertainment unless organized by the trust. Wedding parties (no guests) may take photos—while standing only on the graveled areas.
Keys to the park cost $350 per year, and there is only one per residential unit. Buildings may buy two keys per year at $1,000 apiece. In addition, lot owners pay $3,000 a year for normal operating expenses and $2,500 for capital assessment.
Mr. Clark says the rules are an interpretation of the original deed. Written in 1831, it does not ban Frisbees. It does, however, offer specifics on what types of business are not permitted: no tanneries, no brass foundries, no museums, no circus.
Clubs, however, pass muster. And new residents quickly discover that the trust is more closely allied to The Players—the club founded by Edwin Booth in 1888 that is located at 16 Gramercy Park—than the National Arts Club. "It's very low-profile," Ms. Harrison said of The Players. "The community has a caring relationship toward it. We don't want it to disappear."
Although the National Arts Club itself may receive the same consideration, its president does not. "I don't think I spend 10 minutes a year thinking about Aldon James, except when he pulls these stunts," said Mr. Clark. "There's not much you can do about it."
Write to Pia Catton at
The example of a small urban plan inside of an larger urban this public space or private? Public for all club members and their 5 guest, or is that a private place?